Quadruple Quad Witching: Definition and How It Impacts Stocks

Because of this, there tends to be greater market volatility on quadruple-witching days. Amidst the Quad Witching convergence, the expiration of stock options adds a layer of granularity to the market’s narrative. Stock options provide traders with the right to buy or sell specific individual stocks at predetermined prices. This dynamic interplay of stock options introduces a nuanced layer of trading strategies for investors to tailor their positions to the unique attributes of individual companies. As stock options reach their expiration, traders must make decisions that reflect their assessments of both broader market trends and the specific prospects of the companies involved. Quadruple witching day is when four different derivative contracts expire on the same day, forcing traders to take action on these trades.

  1. It’s particularly liquid on quadruple witching days, meaning you won’t end up being locked in a trade.
  2. There are most likely many myths and wrong perceptions about the quadruple witching day.
  3. An index option works much like a stock options contract, but derives its value from that of an equity index rather than a single stock’s share price.
  4. Also, we provide you with free options courses that teach you how to implement our trades as well.

First is the number of traders that would want to offset their contracts. For example, the so-called “long-gamma” condition where options traders go against the trend instead of hedging their positions. Finally, it includes the events in the buildup to the quadruple witching day and more.

Risk disclosures on derivatives –

Fundamentally, options are derivates, meaning their value is based on underlying securities like stocks. When you buy an option contract, you speculate on the future stock or strike price. Likewise, if you think the underlying will go up in price, you buy a call option. Alternatively, you buy a put if you believe the price will decrease. The importance of understanding and preparing for Quad Witching cannot be overstated.

Investors use index futures to bet on the direction of the market to make small, abnormal profits. As you can see, we might argue quadruple witching day is perhaps somewhat more volatile than both options expiration day and a random day. For these reasons, you must thoroughly plan and have a solid risk management strategy to know what to do once the quadruple witching day comes.

It’s a moment of heightened activity, where swift price movements and unforeseen opportunities demand a strategic approach and thoughtful risk management. As the dot-com bubble reached its zenith, Quad Witching day in March 2000 witnessed a frenzy in tech stocks. While the broader market saw heightened activity, technology-related stocks soared, driven by a speculative fervor. The NASDAQ Composite, dominated by tech companies, experienced substantial volatility, with a notable surge in trading volumes. This event serves as a cautionary tale of the exuberance and subsequent correction that can occur during Quad Witching amidst market mania. The next quadruple witching day in 2022 is scheduled for Friday, June 17th, for the close of the second quarter of the year.

Quadruple witching happens four times per year during the options expiration week. The options expiration week is when the options expire and this happens on the third Friday every month. Unlike those who scalp trade on the trend or news in an attempt to profit from price changes, arbitrage traders attempt to profit from market inefficiencies. Due to the increased volatility during quadruple witching events, arbitrage traders thrive, further increasing the trading volume. On September 18, 2020, a quadruple witching day, we saw a surge in equity transactions. To put this in perspective, the volume on this day was 40% above the three-month volume average.

Assume that you are interested in trading one of the most popular futures contracts – S&P’s 500 E-mini (ES), settled in cash. The E-mini futures contract candlestick patterns for day trading has a contract unit of $50 x S&P 500 Index. If the index has a value of 4,000, then one futures contract is worth $200,000 ($50 x 4,000).

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Other than this noted trend, quad witching days do not seem to have a major impact on the stock market. With all of these contracts expiring on the same day, quad witching does tend to lead to higher trading volume during these sessions. As the contracts expire, investors need to either close out the trades, let them expire in the money, or roll them forward. Whichever action they choose adds trading volume to the overall market.

Single Stock Futures Contracts

Luckily, with Bullish Bears, we have a comprehensive options trading course that dives into every one of these topics, so you don’t find yourself at the receiving end of the broom. Single stock options give the owner the right, but not the obligation, to buy an underlying stock at a pre-determined price up until a preset expiration date. Profitable (in-the-money) options are automatically executed at expiration. There are other dates as well including certain times of the month or quarter where funds and ETFs will rebalance their portfolios. But perhaps most significantly, there is an event that happens four times per year, once in each quarter, that has become infamous.

This number is one that is not adjusted for inflation so I take it with a grain of salt, but November retail sales were down 0.6% compared with October. That marked the biggest month-over-month drop this year and comes during the all-important https://g-markets.net/ holiday shopping season. Auto sales were down sharply and as I’ve mentioned before, this could be a precursor for the housing market. The 117 trades have a positive average of 0.45% per trade and the win rate is 61%.

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Friday, March 15, 2019, was the first quadruple witching day of 2019. As with any other witching day, there was hectic activity in the preceding week. According to a Reuters report, trading volume on U.S. market exchanges on that day was “10.8 billion shares, compared to the 7.5 billion average… over the last 20 trading days.” Single stock futures are obligations to take delivery of shares of the underlying stock at the contract’s expiration date at a specified price. Even when single-stock futures traded in the U.S. they were a minor market segment relative to the trading flows in stock options and index options and futures.

Quad Witching Dates 2023

Moreover, I can confidently say that persistence is the best predictor of success in the stock market. Putting in the blood, sweat, and tears, learning how to trade, and practicing until you’re ready are the critical steps to succeed. Quadruple witching in the stock market is also called “quad witching. This spooky term refers to the third Friday of every March, June, September, and December. From soaring heights to unforeseen turbulence, these examples shed light on how certain stocks and indices performed during these captivating convergence points.

Futures contracts are legal agreements to buy or sell an asset at a determined price at a specified future date. Futures contracts are standardized with fixed quantities and expiration dates. The buyer of a futures contract is obligated to buy the underlying asset at expiry while the seller is obligated to sell at expiry. An index option works much like a stock options contract, but derives its value from that of an equity index rather than a single stock’s share price. The value of the underlying index relative to the option contract’s strike price is what determines an index option trade’s profitability.