
Access to DOA Genebank Services

            Service Section – a section which is responsible for the provision of seed depository and distribution services and the provision of technical services.

            Interested public could access the services from the DOA Genebank by requesting for genetic materials for research and depository for conservation purposes, including provision of technical services for the conservation of genetic material. For further information please contact DOA Genebank, Genebank Research and Devlopment Group under Biotechnology Research and Development Office, Department of Agriculture.

          This section conducts the conservation of plant genetic materials that could not be conserved in form of seeds. It also includes the rare and/or endangered plant species. The tissues from different parts of these plants such as apical root/shoot, lateral bud, callus, etc., are subjected to tissue culture for mass propagation before being conserved by slow growth and/or cryopreservation techniques. In vitro Laboratory consists of three units including tissue culture room, tissue culture transfer room, and media preparation room.     

1. Common seed depository service

          DOA Genebank is allowed by the depositors to distribute their seeds for service, breeding, experiment, research, etc. which refer to the utilization of the conserved plant germplasms. The details of the common seed depository service are shown in the chart below.

          Any persons who request for seed distribution service (requester) have to send the letter of request and address to the Director-General of DOA. The requesters have to specify the purpose of seed request and complete the seed request form. DOA Genebank is now able to distribute the seeds for non-commercial purposes under the Section 53 of Plant Variety Protection Act B.E.2542 (1999), any persons who study, experiment or research on a common domestic plant variety or forest plant variety or any of their part with no commercial ends shall follow the regulations laid out by the committee.

2. Blackbox seed depository service

DOA Genebank is not allowed by the depositors to distribute their seeds for service, breeding, experiment, research, etc. which the seeds only belong to the depositors for use as the germplasm back-up of Thailand. The details of the blackbox seed depository service are shown in the chart below.

          The depositors can request for extension of the deposit time and withdraw the seeds when the deposit period has expired. However, the seeds and their packaging for blackbox depository service have to meet the requirements of DOA Genebank.

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