▶Date: September 11-15, 2013
▶Venue: Grand Mercure Fortune Bangkok Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand
Long Beach Garden Hotel & Spa. Pattaya, Cholburi Province
▶Participants: 17 Participants*
*Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Nepal, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam
Recently, the use of cassava has moved from being a simple security crop to a cash crop in proudcing bio-fuel, food grade alcohol and animal feed ingredient. Thus, rural farmers are now venturing into larger scale commercial production of cassava. The increase in production, however, is severely constrained by the lack of production mechanization and postharvest processing equipment that will handle the large volume of cassava produced. Production and processing activities remain manually handled, severely limiting production capacity. Postharvest losses remain high due to limited processing technologies
For this reason, the AFACI has embarked on the regional project on Cassava Postharvest Mechanization.
One year after its implementation in September, 2012, now the researchers who are involved in managing the project get together and share experience and acheivements in this meeting, which will establish a basis for the remaining two-year implementation.